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Insurance is an essential risk mitigation strategy as you grow family and plan for your future.

We broker a full suite of products for Individuals & Families


Life Insurance

Feeling overwhelmed about life insurance? That’s understandable. It’s an emotional topic with lots to consider.

How can you navigate this complex world and get the coverage you need without losing sleep?

Learning more about the different types of life insurance policies is a great place to start.

In general, there are three main types of life insurance policies: term life, whole life, and universal life.

  • Term life is a policy that covers you for a set period of time, typically 10, 15, 20, or 30 years. Once the policy expires, so does the coverage.

  • Whole life policies provide permanent coverage that lasts a lifetime as well as guaranteed premiums and a guaranteed cash value.

  • Universal life insurance also provides permanent coverage and a cash value, as well as more flexibility in premiums, death benefits, and investing.

Health Insurance

When you’re looking for health insurance, it’s a good idea to take a look at all the angles. You want coverage that works with your lifestyle, helps you get the best care possible and fits with your financial picture. 

Individual and family health insurance plans can help cover expenses in the case of serious medical emergencies, and help you and your family stay on top of preventative health-care services. Having health insurance coverage can save you money on doctor's visits, prescriptions drugs, preventative care and other health-care services. Typical health insurance plans for individuals include costs such as a monthly premium, annual deductible, co-payments, and coinsurance.

Accidental Death and Disability

Accidental death and disability insurance (AD&D) pays out if you die or get seriously injured in an accident, such as a car crash.

The payout for injuries is limited to cases where you lose a limb or finger; lose sight, speech or hearing; or suffer paralysis or coma as the result of an accident.

The coverage overlaps a little with life insurance and disability insurance, but it shouldn’t be considered as a replacement for either one. Understanding the differences is important because you might be offered AD&D along with other benefits at work. You can also buy AD&D on your own, apart from your workplace, and you might get offers to buy AD&D coverage from your bank or credit union.

The main thing to remember is that AD&D is a supplement to life insurance and disability insurance. If your family would be in a tough financial situation if you died and they lost your income, buy life insurance, not AD&D. To cover the risk of being unable to work because of an injury or illness, make sure you have enough disability insurance.

Personal Accident

Personal Accident insurance or PA insurance is an annual policy which provides compensation in the event of injuries, disability or death caused solely by violent, accidental, external and visible events. It is different from life insurance and medical & health insurance. 

You can either take a PA policy for yourself or a group policy for your family, protecting you and them anywhere in the world, anytime of the day. PA insurance provides 24-hour worldwide insurance protection.

The scope of cover and scale of benefits differ between insurance companies and we ensure that you purchase a policy which meets your requirements. 



1 (868)  627-9113


Workers’ Compensation insurance for their household employees such as a nanny, senior caregiver, gardener or housekeeper..

Workmen's Compensation

Travel insurance is a plan you purchase that protects you from certain financial risks and losses that can occur while traveling..

Travel Insurance

Personal liability insurance protects you and your family in the event that you are held responsible for bodily injury or property damage..

Personal Liability
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